When it comes to an opinion, everybody’s got one. Everywhere you turn, someone’s opinion is front and center whether you want it or not. Depending on who’s giving their opinion, you either accept it or let it go. If you’re like me, you value what others say about great restaurants, fabulous places to visit, and awesome movies to watch. It’s so easy to get peoples’ thoughts on what they like or don’t like. If you want to know something, ask Google, Siri, or Alexa. In seconds, you’ll discover millions of websites with reviews for anything your heart desires. Think about it, how many times a day are you searching for what other people think?
We live in a world where information helps us make decisions and we want to make them quickly. Take Netflix, how many movies do you think they have? Who knows, well maybe Google does! The point is…if you ask for the top ten shows, they’re listed and available for you to watch. You may not always agree with the choices and that’s ok. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion even if it’s different than yours.
Personal opinions are given freely, based on your experience, and get to the “real” truth about a product or service. When I have a great meal out, I’ll rave about the chef or restaurant. If it’s a bad meal, I’ll tell it like it is…in a nice way and always with a smile! If you’ve bought Señor Rio tequila or Café Elegancia, thank you so much! Please take a minute to post your opinion on the Total Wine website. Then share that you’re a fan with others on social media. Be sure to use #senorriotequila in your post so we can give a shout out to you. If you haven’t tried Señor Rio, read the reviews and give us a taste. You won’t be disappointed!
We’re so excited that our Tequila 101 blog has been selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 25 Tequila Blogs. If you are a tequila fan, be sure to check out what others are saying about this trending spirit.
Embracing all opinions in design is my choice. It's not just about following trends; it's about adding a personal touch to the projects. Having a strong viewpoint is like using camouflage vectors – it sets my work apart, blending bold perspectives seamlessly. In a world saturated with influences, having a unique voice in design is an asset. It's the key to standing out, sparking conversations, and leaving an indelible mark in the ever-evolving landscape of creativity.